My best oral exposition:
I choose this oral exposition and this composition because this is my last oral exposition and this is one of my lasts compositions in my blog.
Nowadays I think that I have a good level of English, and my expressions are quite good.
In my last oral exposition I can see an improvement of my pronunciation and my fluency when I speak to the class, this oral exposition is the best oral of all batxillerat, I have good vocabulary and I love the topic, cars. I have a good structure of the content and I know correctly the content of the oral. The eye contact is an important thing and I have eye contact to the class, more than years ago.
When I finish my studies of computer science I going to work, but I don’t know exactly the place, Spain, England, Holland, Germany… I don’t know, I think that the destiny can choose that!
Well that’s my future plans and my future life!
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