Hi people! this is my team! C.B Castelló! this is a basquetball team, there are a lot of players here. I'm the coach of one team, the categoty are "pre-mini". The boys have 9-10 years old. I have eleven players, and we stay in competition, in one league with different teams of Girona. This weekend we play one match with Sarrià de Ter, in Castelló d'Empúries and we win, CB Castelló 53-48 Sarrià de Ter.
That's a turning point in the team, because we need one match that we won! The boys was cheerful all day and I feel extremely happiness! :)
4th of June we finish the competition, we stay in the 8th place, but we can finish at the 6th place.
My brother was in the team, he have the number nine in the t-shirt. Nowadays he was the leader of the team, he have nine years old. There are other players, like Gerard, Matias, Alessandro or Alex, they have different qualities and they, with my brother, Sergi, are the bests of the team.
Next year I was a coach, I don't know the team, but I know that I'm a coach. And next year I going to play basketball with CB Castelló in the category "under 21 years old", that's an amazing category! I hope that I can enjoy it a lot!
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