The pilots of the competitons, 125cc, moto 2 and Moto Gp was testing the road and the motorbikes in Malaysia this week, cause next week starts the world championship of motorbikes, and the mechanical part of the motorbikes need to stay at the best conditions.
The faster pilot in Moto gp today was Casey Stoner, with his Honda RC212 VS.
The ducati of Valentino rossi was 11th place and the other ducati was 12th. I think that's no possitive, because in one week the championship starts and 11th it's far than the firsts places.
In moto 2, Marc Marquez was the faster pilot, with Honda vsc, the young pilot from Catalonia was an excelent curriculum on the motorbikes competiton.
In 125cc, Nicolas Terol, from Spain, was the faster pilot of the competition, all of people can see the good feelings of the motorbike and Nico Terol.
The season starts next week, enjoy it!